Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Domestic Diva.... Um Sure!

I am not a Domestic Diva. I won't even play one on TV. It just wouldn't be a believable character. Sure, I can clean a house really well (when I want to), and i am even a pretty good cook( if I do say so myself, again when i want to). But i am not burdened by the notion that I am some kind of goddess of the home. However, I want to be. So, I decided the best way for me to do this is to start taking cooking classes, and buy some books on home-ec and domestic learning.

So, for starters I logged on to the Sage culinary school website to see what kind of classes they offer. This is going to be exciting. It was to bad that that night was the canning 101 class. No way I was going to make it to that one. Hopefully they will have one again in September that I will be able to go to.

Image Detail

Next was to buy my first book on Home-Ec. It was actually titled "Home-Ec 101: Skills For Every Day Living" by Heather Solos. I tell you, it has already helped me out in the house. I am the first to admit that I am not one to know anything about appliance maintenance and those kinds of things. But I am now learning. The first thing I learned (go ahead and laugh at this one) was that Refrigerators have coils in them that need to be cleaned. So, thankfully this book told me wear to look for them, and how to clean them. I looked. I almost did not see them due to the almost half an inch layer of dirt in front of them. I got out the vaccuume and began. An hour after I was done, I actually had to adjust the temperature inside my fridge because it was getting to cold. How's that for making it run more efficiantly?? Next was on to cleaning the kitchen sink properly. But this book is so much more than that. It has things from Appliance maintenance, to cooking a Turkey, to how to do laudry, and about everything inbetween. I can't wait to work through this whole book, and really relearn all the things i thought I knew how to do, and was just getting them horribly wrong most of my adult life.

Maybe in a year or so, my post heading will be Domestic Diva.... Yes!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

1st craft project!

So, I decided that I want to start doing crafts around my house. Try and spruce things up a little. So I started with My daughter Mackenzie's desk chair.
The chair has obviously seen better days, but it had great bones. So I decided it was time to fix it up. First I took the seat off, sanded it down, and spray painted the entire thing bright white. Next, I let Mackenzie chose the fabric for the seat, added a little batting, and viola!

I think it turned out pretty great if I do say so myself, and she loved it!

Now on to the next idea. lol